Required Node Configs

Required Node Configs

💡Note: failure to set up below configurations on a validator node may compromise chain functionality.

Ethereum RPC Endpoint

For the chain to process bridge transactions from Ethereum, Ethereum testnet, or other chain that supports the eth_getLogs RPC method, the bridge daemon queries an RPC endpoint for logs emitted by the bridge contract. By default, a node will use a public testnet endpoint that may have rate-limiting, low reliability, or other restricted functionality.

For your node to successfully ingest bridge transactions from the relevant blockchain, you are required to specify your own private RPC endpoint with flag --bridge-daemon-eth-rpc-endpoint <YOUR_PRIVATE_RPC_ENDPOINT> in the command you run when starting the node.

The RPC endpoint you choose MUST satisfy the following requirements

  • supports eth_chainId method
  • supports eth_getLogs method
  • supports "finalized" as an input to toBlock parameter (Erigon is currently the only major Ethereum node software that does not support this.)

Node Configs

The dYdX Chain has important node configurations required for normal chain operation. This includes:


Consensus Configs

timeout_commit = "500ms"


Base Configuration

For value of $NATIVE_TOKEN_DENOM, see Network Constants

### Gas Prices ###
minimum-gas-prices = "0.025ibc/8E27BA2D5493AF5636760E354E46004562C46AB7EC0CC4C1CA14E9E20E2545B5,12500000000$NATIVE_TOKEN_DENOM"
### Pruning ###
pruning = "custom"

# Small numbers >= "2" for validator nodes.
# Larger numbers could be used for full-nodes if they are used for historical queries.
pruning-keep-recent = "7"

# Any prime number between "13" and "97", inclusive.
pruning-interval = "17"

gRPC Configs

# Enable grpc. The Cosmos gRPC service is used by various daemon processes,
# and must be enabled in order for the protocol to operate:
enable = true

# Non-standard gRPC ports are not supported at this time. Please run on port 9090, which is the default
# port specified in the config file.
# Note: grpc can be also be configured via start flags. Be careful not to change the default settings
# with either of the following flags: `--grpc.enable`, `--grpc.address`.
address = ""